I have an absolutely massive toy collection that is currently residing in our storage while we (that is my wife and I) get our shit together enough to find a place to live that doesn't involve packing us and our six cats into my parents' back bedroom. I've been collecting toys for as long as I can remember (at least as long as comics) and I just love 'em. This series of posts will cover some of the neatest, coolest, most unusual toys I've run across in my travels, and where to get them.
First up is the flat out best idea for a line of plush toys I've ever seen. The toys are from a company called Giant Microbes . You can still purchase these babies directly from the source, or from Think Geek which is a very cool online website, as well as the place from which all these images were kiped. Hopefully these guys will be around for a long time to come, and considering their source material, they could potentially have a larger variety of critters than TY.
There's lots more available. Check out the web sites I mentioned for the full line. Each microbe comes with its own little info card that shows you a picture of the actual microbe, and gives you all sorts of fun facts about it. These definitely qualify as some of the coolest toys on the planet.
"Daddy! But me that!"
"I already gave you that for your birthday."
"No, you gave me Syphillis for my birthday! This is HIV! I want HIV now, Daddy!"
...I'm sorry. I couldn' resist.
Damn, all I got for Christmas was a Propionibacterium acnes.
...And you thought Pokemon was an epidemic.
We have the common cold, the ulcer and one other, I think the Mars bacteria. I love these things. Who thought deadly diseases could be so cuddly?
Oh man...that is so awesome! I'm going to do some xmas shopping...these things are still cracking me up. Now I just have to figure out who I want to infect with their plush goodness.
Oh gee, my very own virus...what, no petri dish?