Director's Commentary - The Women and Comics Essay

Posted by Dan Tuesday, May 17, 2005
This is yet another of those SAVANT essays, except that this one never got published. The magazine folded before I got the chance to run it. Too bad, because I'm sure it would have ruffled all kinds of feathers.

SAVANT had a Delphi forum that was quite the happenin' place to hang out. A lot of industry creators would check in there from time to time, and a lot of the online journalists too.

One of the greatest of the aforementioned online crew is Johanna Draper Carlson. The inventor of the Squiddy Awards and curator of one of the best online comics review sites out there Comics Worth Reading , Johanna frequented the Delphi forum (even got conned into writing an essay for SAVANT once.)

At some point, somebody said something that was gender biased in the extreme, and she whopped the boy's ass for it right in front of God and everybody. At first I thought, "Geez that's a little hyperreactive," but the more I chewed on what was said, and the more I mulled over her reaction to it, the more I thought she had a point. This would have been my response to the whole sordid affair, and kind of my homage to Johanna.


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Im an essayist, critic, online blogger, short story writer and to borrow a descriptor from Peter David, "Writer of stuff." I love all things pop culture related: Music, Movies, Comics, Books, Politics... if you can label it I probably have an opinion about it, and I love to argue. All informed opinions are welcome here.
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